
Archive for March, 2013

Earlier this week:

Eve – If you die, you won’t be my maman, right?
Me (cautious, thinking “Is that when we are having that talk about dying?”) – Yeah…?
Eve – So you have to be careful from sharks… Sharks can die you in the water, cuz they have sharp teeth.

A few days later, I relate the conversation to Erik in front of Eve. Erik starts singing the melody from “Jaws”.

Eve – No! They don’t make that noise! They do “crunch crunch” when they bite your bones.


Il y a quelques jours :
Eve – si tu meurs, tu ne seras plus ma maman, hein ?
Moi – (prudemment, me disant « est-ce que le moment de LA conversation est arrivé ?”) – ouais… ?
Eve – Donc faut que tu fasses attention aux requins… Les requins peuvent te mourir dans l’eau, pasqu’ils ont les dents pointues.
Quelques jours plus tard, je rapporte la conversation à Erik devant Eve. Erik commence à entonner la musique des « Dents de la Mer ».
Eve – Non ! Ils ne font pas ce bruit ! Ils font « crunch crunch » quand ils croquent nos os.

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Eve started her new school this week. Even though the setting is only slightly bigger than Eve’s daycare, it already looks like she needs to be more independent and look after herself. No group bathroom breaks, she has to handle her lunch and clean it up on her own, etc. I was first worried that she hadn’t bonded with any teacher yet (the lead teacher told me that often times the kids bond with one particular teacher since there are about four with them at all times) and wouldn’t have the “emotional support” she needs. But yesterday and this morning she seemed very attached to the art teacher, a fun young woman with pink hair named Hannah. This morning she invited Hannah to come to her birthday party. “But first, you need to ask your mom…”, Eve advised.




The first couple of days, I picked Eve up early and we walked (she scootered) to get ice-cream. In fact we visited an apartment the second day in the neighborhood at 6pm, so she ended up scootering for almost 3 hours! She was completely out when we got home. Needless to say, she quickly took to the ice-cream routine and didn’t understand yesterday when I picked her up at the usual time why we couldn’t do that again.
The apartment we visited was all clean and white, just remodeled, and meeting many of our criteria (easy laundry access, 3 bedrooms, close to Bart, back patio). But we decided not to apply and wait until Eve’s kindergarten arrangement is more clear to decide where to live. I can’t wait to have a 3rd bedroom so we can have guests more easily!

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Eve has been on a scooter kick for the past couple of weeks. She’s had her scooter for a year but just started riding it confidently. Almost a little too confidently. She is so fast riding it that we have a hard time keeping up, which causes regular scares on the street.
She is very intrigued by what things are made of, which she frames as “what is in [thing]?” So the body for instance is full of bones and blood. This background info will help you understand how Eve cracked me up the other morning, making up a song on a random melody while she was having breakfast: “lait chaudzz* and candies… mix in our tummies… with bones”…
*warm milk in French
Eve adore sa trottinette ces jours-ci. Elle l’a eue l’an dernier, mais commence tout juste être à l’aise dessus. Presque un peu trop à l’aise. Elle est si rapide avec que nous avons du mal à suivre, ce qui nous cause régulièrement des frayeurs.
Elle est très intriguée par de quoi les choses sont faites, « Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans [chose]?” Ainsi le corps, par exemple, est plein d’os et de sang. Cette information vous aidera à comprendre la chansonnette d’Eve l’autre matin, composée sur une mélodie inventée alors qu’elle prenait son petit déjeuner: “laits chaudzz and candies mix in our tummies with bones”.

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